

Different Categories of Warehouse Racking System

Industries implement racking systems to boost their warehouse storage facilities. Racking systems can exponentially maximize your warehouse’s inventory storage capacity without accentuating the amount of square footage your fee. This, in turn, makes such storage facilities an economical solution for enterprises that are looking to enhance their warehousing storage space. Midas Concrete Floor Solutions being one of the most reliable offers industries with advanced racking systems for enhancing the effectiveness of warehouse storage facilities. An advanced racking system helps to keep inventory organized, as it offers specified storage space for different purposes. For fast-growing businesses transitioning away from make-shift storage facilities, a steel shelving racking system with storage bins can increase inventory management, and in turn, make it seamless to pick units.

Different Categories of Warehouse Racking System

If you are an entrepreneur and looking for ways to make your warehouse inventory more organized and easily accessible, it is best to learn about the different racking systems. Midas Concrete Floor Solutions offers different kinds of advanced racking systems to optimize your warehouse. The following are different categories of warehouse racking systems -

Mobile racking -

  • One of the most advanced racking facilities is the Mobile Racking System. It is a technical upgrade to selective pallet racks. This new-gen system accentuates storage space more than the conventional one. The PLC control system and drive motor power make mobile racking one of the best options for enterprises to organize their warehouses.

High Bay Racking System -

  • High Bay industrial storage racking systems can exceed approximately 60 inches in height. Hence, it nearly doubles the storage capacity of the conventional racking systems. This advanced facility is good for large storage units and can help in properly organizing the inventory.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) -

  • Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems is a kind of warehouse optimization technology that is precisely designed to buffer, stock, and recover any product and inventory on demand. The swift qualities of this racking system make it one of the best suited for all enterprises.

Benefits of Different Categories of Warehouse Racking Systems –

The benefits of different categories of warehouse racking systems are mentioned as follows –

Mobile racking system –

  • Mobile racking system benefits enterprises immensely by making their inventory and operation processes stress-free. One can gather more inventory space from aisles. Mobile racking system is best for warehouses where storage space is expensive.

High Bay Racking System -

  • High Bay Racking System is installed on a tolerant surface that is durable and long-lasting. The racking system is installed with detailed precision as per global standards.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) -

  • Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems are made with high-quality material that can facilitate any warehouse facility.

How to set up a warehouse racking system?

Once an industry decides on which type of racking system is best for their business, the next step is to cautiously consider how to assemble that system. Midas Concrete Floor Solutions helps to maximize effectiveness, organize inventory, avoid congestion, and ensure warehouse safety. Following are some of the ways Midas Concrete Floor Solutions will help in setting up your storage space -

Spacing between racks

  • We take proper measurements in leaving ample space between racks so that your inventory is seamlessly accessible. Enterprises may consider stacking the racks closely together to make the most of the floor space. However, we consider more about efficiency hence, we offer strategically planned spacing area. It is best to consider how pallets are stacked into the racking system and make sure not to block any pallet loading or picking points.

Aisle width

  • The aisles of any warehouse should be wide enough for any material handling equipment such as pallet jacks or forklifts. This helps the inventory in moving around with ease. Furthermore, proper aisle space ensures safety and effectiveness. With certain types of racking systems, two racks can be placed back-to-back to preserve space and allow for wider aisles.

Labeling & organization

  • To accentuate the storage and picking efficiency, Midas Concrete Floor Solutions follows a consistent system to organize your inventory and warehouse. This system of organizing inventory is not always ordered alphabetically or by SKU number. Our experts help your inventory to be organized as per your requirements or based on practical placement. Furthermore, our experts also store items that are commonly purchased together. Other than that we group seasonal products and place best-selling items in easily accessible locations to make your inventory storage facility more practical.


To conclude, Midas Concrete Floor Solutions is one of the most reliable service providers for enterprises that are looking to organize their inventory. Our commitment to fineness echoes in every facet of our different categories of warehouse racking systems.

We redefine inventory organizational solutions with unparalleled reliable performance, durability, and precision engineering. Our relentless commitment to offering not just storage racks but organizational solutions crafted to perfection sets us apart in our niche.

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